DPI Harassment Policy


The Dayton Playhouse, Inc. is committed to providing a safe environment for all its volunteers free from discrimination on any grounds and from harassment at work including sexual and/or discriminatory harassment. We operate under a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment. We will treat all incidents seriously, and promptly investigate all allegations of harassment. No one will be victimized for making such a report. Any person found to have harassed another will face possible dismissal from participation with Dayton Playhouse, Inc.

All reports of harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect and confidence.


Dayton Playhouse, Inc. strictly prohibits and does not tolerate unlawful harassment against volunteers of the Dayton Playhouse, Inc., clients, customers, casual workers, contractors, visitors, or any other covered persons because of race, religious beliefs, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy or intersex status), gender (including gender nonconformity and transgender or transexual status), age, physical or mental disability, citizenship, genetic information, past, current, or prospective service in the uniformed services, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, Ohio, or local law.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated, and/or intimidated. It includes situations where a person is asked to engage in sexual activity as a condition of that person’s participation, as well as situations which create an environment which is hostile, intimidating, or humiliating for the recipient.

Sexual harassment can involve one or more incidents, and actions constituting harassment may be physical, verbal, and/or non-verbal. Examples of conduct or behavior which constitute sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:

●       Physical sexual conduct

●       Unwelcome physical contact including patting, pinching, stroking, kissing, hugging, fondling, or inappropriate touching

●       Physical violence, including sexual assault

●       Physical contact, e.g., touching, pinching

●       The use threats or rewards to solicit sexual favors

●       Verbal sexual conduct

●       Comments on a worker’s appearance, age, private life, etc.

●       Sexual comments, stories, and jokes

●       Sexual advances

●       Repeated and unwanted social invitations for dates of physical intimacy

●       Insults based on this gender identity, or sexual orientation of the person

●       Condescending or paternalistic remarks (e.g., attempting to take someone’s autonomy away from them by speaking or making decisions for them)

●       Sending sexually explicit messages e.g., by phone, email, or social media

●       Non-verbal sexual conduct

●       Display of sexually explicit or suggestive material

●       Sexually suggestive gestures

●       Whistling

●       Leering

This board recognizes anyone can be the target of sexual harassment, regardless of their sex and of the sex of the harasser. The Dayton Playhouse, Inc. recognizes that sexual harassment may also occur between people of the same sex or gender. What matters is that sexual conduct is unwanted and unwelcome by the person against whom the contact is directed. Anyone, including volunteers of the Dayton Playhouse, Inc., clients, customers, casual workers, contractors, or visitors who sexually harass another will be reprimanded in accordance with this internal policy. All sexual harassment is prohibited whether it takes place within The Dayton Playhouse, Inc. premises or outside, including at social events, training sessions, or festivals sponsored by The Dayton Playhouse, Inc.

Anyone who is subject to sexual harassment should, if possible, inform the alleged harasser that the conduct is unwanted and unwelcome. We recognize that sexual harassment may occur in unequal relationships (e.g., between a board member and a volunteer) and that it may not be possible for the claimant to inform the alleged harasser. If a claimant cannot directly approach an alleged harasser, they can approach any member of the Board of Directors.

Report Process

When a report to harassment is received, the following steps will be taken:

●       Immediately record the dates, times, and facts of the incident(s)

●       Ascertain the views of the claimant as to what outcome they want

●       Ensure that the claimant understands the organization’s procedures for dealing with the report

●       Discuss and agree the next steps, on the understanding that choosing to resolve the matter formally does not preclude the claimant from launching the report outside of the organization through the relevant legal framework

●       Keep a confidential record of all discussions

●       Respect the choice of the claimant

●       Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible

●       No reprisal, retaliation, or adverse action will be taken on good faith reports

●       The claimant bringing forward a harassment report will not be forcibly removed from a production or have job duties reassigned without discussion and consent from the claimant

The designated person who initially receives the report will refer the matter to the Executive members of the Board of Directors, and possibly the Legal Counsel for The Dayton Playhouse, Inc. The persons carrying out the sexual harassment investigation will:

●       Acquire a written statement from the claimant, and alleged harasser.

●       Interview the claimant and the alleged harasser separately, with a witness present. Accommodate sensitivities to gender of the claimant (e.g., if the claimant is a woman, at the least, either the interviewer or the witness should also be a woman).

●       Ensure that the alleged harasser understands the reports mechanism.

●       Acquire written statements and interview other relevant third parties separately

●       Determine whether or not the incident(s) of harassment took place

●       Produce a report detailing the investigations, findings, and any recommendations

●       If the harassment took place, decide what the appropriate remedy for the claimant is, in consultation with the claimant (e.g., an apology, a change to production staff/cast, training for the harasser, suspension, dismissal). This may include a facilitated discussion between both parties to achieve a resolution which is acceptable to the claimant

●       Follow up to ensure that the recommendations are implemented, that the behavior has stopped, and that the claimant is satisfied with the outcome

●       If it cannot be determined that the harassment took place, they may still make recommendations to ensure proper functioning

●       Keep a record of all actions taken

●       Ensure that all records concerning the matter is kept confidential

●       Ensure that the process is done as quickly as possible and within 20 days of the report

Harassment Sanctions and Disciplinary Measures

Anyone who has been found to have sexually harassed another person under the terms of this policy is liable to any of the following sanctions:

●       Verbal or written warning

●       Dismissal

●       Being banned from participation in the Dayton Playhouse, Inc.

The nature of the sanctions will depend on the gravity and extent of the harassment. Suitable deterrent sanctions will be applied to ensure that incidents of sexual harassment are not treated as trivial. Certain serious cases, including physical violence, will result in the immediate and permanent dismissal of the harasser, and may result in a report to law enforcement authorities.

The Dayton Playhouse, Inc. will ensure that this policy is widely disseminated to all relevant people. It will be included in the bylaws. All new Board Members must be trained on the content of this policy as part of their induction into the organization. Every year, The Dayton Playhouse, Inc. Board Members will revisit this policy at the October board meeting, using the opportunity to discuss what the policy means and answer any questions that may arise. It is the responsibility of every Board Member, Committee Chair, and Producer to ensure that all their volunteers are aware of the policy.

Dawn Roth-Smith12:31 PM (2 hours ago)
to tmcphearson@aol.com, me, Shanna

This is how we agreed this should be handled:

The persons carrying out the sexual harassment investigation will:

●       Acquire a written statement from the claimant, and alleged harasser.

●       Interview the claimant and the alleged harasser separately, with a witness present. Accommodate sensitivities to gender of the claimant (e.g., if the claimant is a woman, at the least, either the interviewer or the witness should also be a woman).

●       Ensure that the alleged harasser understands the report’s mechanism.

●       Acquire written statements and interview other relevant third parties separately

●       Determine whether or not the incident(s) of harassment took place

●       Produce a report detailing the investigations, findings, and any recommendations

●       If the harassment took place, decide what the appropriate remedy for the claimant is, in consultation with the claimant (e.g., an apology, a change to production staff/cast, training for the harasser, suspension, dismissal). This may include a facilitated discussion between both parties to achieve a resolution which is acceptable to the claimant

●       Follow up to ensure that the recommendations are implemented, that the behavior has stopped, and that the claimant is satisfied with the outcome

●       If it cannot be determined that the harassment took place, they may still make recommendations to ensure proper functioning

●       Keep a record of all actions taken

●       Ensure that all records concerning the matter is kept confidential

●       Ensure that the process is done as quickly as possible and within 20 days of the report

Harassment Sanctions and Disciplinary Measures

Anyone who has been found to have sexually harassed another person under the terms of this policy is liable to any of the following sanctions:

●       Verbal or written warning

●       Dismissal

●       Being banned from participation in the Dayton Playhouse, Inc.

The nature of the sanctions will depend on the gravity and extent of the harassment. Suitable deterrent sanctions will be applied to ensure that incidents of sexual harassment are not treated as trivial. Certain serious cases, including physical violence, will result in the immediate and permanent dismissal of the harasser, and may result in a report to law enforcement authorities.